


In Scott’s limited—but not inconsiderable—experience of socializing with Chinese men, he had found that most would converse about international politics and global trends. Some would talk about business, and a few would bring up religion or hobbies. But never once had he encountered anyone who brought up his own family or asked about Scott’s.


We rely on waste to feed our families, to grow rich. But the more money we make, the worse the environment becomes. It’s like we are holding on to a rope looped around our necks. The harder we pull, the less we can breathe. But if we let go, we’ll fall into the bottomless pit below and drown.


Don’t get too close. You’ll see more clearly that way.


Remember, from the beginning of history till now, we have had only one society: a society based on the law of the jungle.


Traditions that had supposedly been unchanged for hundreds, thousands of years were finally, gradually fading in the face of science and technology.


When a problem can’t be resolved by the methods of this world, the elders used to say, it’s best to hand it over to gods and spirits.


Sooner or later, karma catches up with everyone.


The living didn’t need charity, only the dead.


Salvation requires sacrifices—always has.


In this world, there are many forms of cleanliness, many forms of fairness, and many forms of happiness. All we can do is to choose from among them, or to have our choices be made for us.


Once, I waited patiently to see if an octopus in front of a mirror would eventually settle down to a stable pattern; I ended up with a dead octopus. And this was how I came to understand that stability was the same as death.



Prostheses were no longer merely aids for the handicapped or even decorations or components of the body, to be exchanged and upgraded at will; rather, prostheses had already become a part of the definition of human life: they were the repositories for our joys, sorrows, terrors, and passions, our class, our social status, our memories.

Your prostheses are you.


You, me, even the entire human race—we’re all parasites.


A nuclear explosion that has been slowed down a million times; a byproduct of billions of years of convergent evolution; your second personality and life insurance; the free will that emerges from quantum decoherence. I’m accidental; I’m inevitable. I’m a new error. I’m the master and the slave. I’m the huntress and the prey. I’m only a beginning.


God had created humankind in His own image. Humankind explored the mysteries of the world, invented theories, devised science and technology. Humans wanted to create something even closer to their creator, to make science imitate life, evolving endlessly to approach the apex of the pyramid. Humans would then entrust their future to technology and become its parasites, no longer progressing forward.


People always think of themselves as playing with the tides, but in the end, they find out that the tides play with them.

For all tomorrow’s parties.