Emissary Fangs

Just as the debate over the crystal’s credibility began to rage in earnest, the first small Devourer ship entered the solar system. It was heading straight toward Earth.

The first contact was again initiated by the space patrol led by the Captain. The mood of this contact could not have been more different than the last, and the mood was, by far, not the only contrast. The exquisitely wrought structure of the Eridanus Crystal bore all the hallmarks of the ethereal technology of a refined civilization. The Devourer’s ship represented the polar opposite. Its exterior appeared exceedingly crude and ungainly, somewhat like a frying pan that had spent the better part of a century forgotten in the wilderness. It immediately reminded onlookers of a giant steampunk machine.

The envoy of the Devourer Empire matched his vehicle in appearance: a massive, awkward lizard covered in huge slabs of scales.Erect, he stood nearly thirty feet tall. He introduced himself as ‘Faingsh’,but his appearance and later behaviour quickly led to him being called‘Fangs’ instead.

When Fangs landed at the feet of the United Nations Building, his craft’s engines blasted a large crater, the splattering concrete leaving the surrounding buildings scarred and battered. Since the alien emissary’s massive size prevented him from entering the Assembly Hall, the world’s heads of state gathered on the United Nations Plaza in front of the UN Building to meet him. Some among them now covered their faces with bloody handkerchiefs, staunching foreheads gashed open by flying glass and concrete.

The ground shook with every step Fangs took toward them, and when the alien spoke, he roared. It was a sound like the screaming horns of a dozen train engines, and it made the hair stand on end of all who heard it. Although he had learned English in transit, Fangs spoke through an unwieldy translator hanging around his neck, the device repeating his words back in English. The rough male voice his translator produced,despite being much quieter than Fangs’ real voice, nonetheless made his listeners’ flesh crawl.

‘Ha! Ha! You white and tender worms, you fascinating little worms.’Fangs jovially began.

All around, people covered their ears until the thunderous roar had ended, only removing their hands slightly to hear the translation.

‘You and I will live together for a century, and I believe we shall come to like each other.’ Fangs continued.

‘Your honour, you must know that we are very concerned as to the purpose of your great mother ship’s arrival in our solar system!’ the Secretary General stated, raising his head to address Fangs. Even though he was shouting at the top of his lungs, he still managed to sound no louder than a mosquito’s buzz.

Fangs adopted a human-like posture, raising himself on his hind legs. As he shifted his weight, the ground trembled. ‘The great Devourer Empire will consume the Earth so that it may continue its epic journey!’he proclaimed. ‘This is inevitable!’

‘What, then, of humanity?’ the Secretary General asked, his voice quivering ever so slightly.

‘That is something I will determine today.’ Fangs replied.

In the pause that followed, the heads of state exchanged meaningful glances. The Secretary General finally nodded and said, ‘It is necessary that we discuss this fully between ourselves.’

Fangs shook his massive head, interrupting before they could speak further. ‘It is a very simple matter: I must merely have a taste…’

And with that, his giant claw reached into the gathered crowd and snatched up a European head of state. He gracefully tossed the man, a throw of twenty-odd feet, straight into his mouth. Then he carefully began to chew. From the first crunch to the last, his victim remained completely mute; it was impossible to tell whether it was dignity or terror that stayed his screams.

In the terrible moments that followed, the only sound was that of the man’s skeleton snapping and cracking between Fangs’ giant,dagger-like teeth. After about half a minute, Fangs spat out the man’s suit and shoes, much as a human might spit out watermelon seeds.Even though the clothes were covered in oozing blood, they remained horrifyingly intact.

All the world seemed to have fallen completely silent, a deathly quiet seeming to be without beginning or end; without end, that is, until a human voice broke it.

‘How, sir, could you just pick him up and eat him?’ the Captain asked as he stood amongst the crowd.

Fangs walked toward him with colossal, thundering steps. The crowd scattered in his wake. He stood before the Captain and lowered his gaze of pitch black, basketball-sized eyes until he was staring right at him. He asked, ‘I shouldn’t have?’

‘Sir, how could you have known that you can eat him?’ the Captain asked flatly. ‘From a biochemical perspective, it is almost impossible that a being from such a distant world should be edible.’

Fangs nodded, his large maw almost seeming to grin. ‘I have had my eye on you. You watched me with cool detachment, lost in thought. What is it that you were contemplating?’

The Captain returned his smile and replied, ‘Sir, you breathe our air and speak using sound waves. You have two eyes, a nose, and a mouth.You have four limbs arranged along a bilateral symmetry…’ He let his thought drift off into silence.

‘And you don’t understand it?’ Fangs asked, snaking his giant head right in front of the Captain’s face. With a hiss, he exhaled a nauseating breath, reeking of blood and gore.

‘That is correct. I do understand the principle of the matter well enough to find it incomprehensible that we should be so similar,’ the Captain answered, showing no signs of revulsion or fear.

‘There is something I do not understand. Why are you so calm? Are you a soldier?’ Fangs asked in response.

‘I am warrior in defence of Earth,’ the Captain answered.

‘Hm, but does pushing around small stones really make you a warrior?’ Fangs countered with more than a hint of mockery.

‘I am ready for greater tests,’ the Captain solemnly stated, lifting his chin.

‘You fascinating little worm.’ Fangs laughed, nodding. Raising his body to its full height, he turned back to the heads of state. ‘But let us return to the real topic at hand: humanity’s fate. You are tasty. There is a smooth and mild quality about you that reminds me of certain blue berries we found on a planet in Eridanus. I therefore congratulate you.Your species will continue. We will raise you as livestock in the Devourer Empire. We will allow you to live a good sixty years before we bring you to market.’

‘Sir, do you not think that our meat will be too gamey at that age?’the Captain asked with a cold chuckle.

Fangs roared with laughter, his voice like an erupting volcano. ‘Ha,ha, ha, ha! The Devourers like chewy snacks!’